Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Violet's Top 5 Blogger Idol Posts for Week 4
There were many excellent entries. These 5 caught my fancy. A different 5 may catch yours. A complete list of entries is here blogger_idol-1.gif.

Violet's Blogger Idol Award for Making Me Squirm goes to Ian's Messy Desk. A simple, convicting list of everyday ways we exhibit the Seven Deadly Sins. Ooops.

Violet's Blogger Idol Award for Best Drinking Story goes to Cliff Between the Lines. According to Cliff's account, he was always sober and in control so he could bail his drunken friends out of hilarious situations. Do we believe this?

Violet's Blogger Idol Award for Biggest Laugh in Fewest Words goes to Backyard Missionary. Hey, I know these people! I go to a connnnnnnservative church with some of them. They're over a hundred years old now and still haven't laughed.

Violet's Blogger Idol Award for Heartwarming, Cute, and Funny goes to Kristyk. And the award is for just one picture. Check it out and smile.

Violet's Blogger Idol Award for Exposing the Tasteless goes to joshua.michael. Three pictorial examples of tacky Christian merchandising. Is this stuff for real?

What have you seen lately that's completely tasteless?