Tuesday, May 04, 2004

No Lack of Morels Here

Picture of the morel we had for breakfast
In this part of the country people go crazy in the spring hunt for the elusive morel mushroom.

Morel patches are jealously guarded and kept secret year after year. There are websites with morel lore, morel recipes, morel pictures, morel spotting updates (not with exact locations) and morel jokes.

We were handed our morel patch along with our mortgage. After a late April - early May rain the morels magically appear underneath three very old apple trees on the north side of the house.

We have never been part of the morel mania but we acknowledge our patch as something special. We celebrate that specialness by eating them.

This four inch beauty is the very morel I picked and used in our Sunday morning omelet. Yum.

Have you ever eaten morels?