Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Sunday Fieldtrip
The Kalamazoo Nature Center Citizen Scientist plant identification field trip was a success. We were out in the field about four hours with our two enthusiastic naturalist guides, Dan and Tyler. The weather cooperated. A couple of times it looked like it was going to rain, but it didn't. We still need rain.

Dan started the session by passing out compasses and giving us a lesson in how to use them. I was completely confused by the arrows and spinning housing and degrees.

It was obvious that I underestimated what was needed when I bought my little dollar compass ball. Back to the drawing board.

Picture of field guide and compass
Practice Better Help Me
Yesterday I bought a compass like the Nature Center uses, found some compass lessons on the internet, and started working with it. Like most things, this can be learned with practice.

I'm sure it can. I'm practicing.

I'm also practicing using the keys in my field guide to identify flowering plants in the field at Violet Acres. It's a start on learning the botany vocabulary and building a little confidence before I go out to do plant inventory for the first time.

Picture of Pappy after haircut
Pappy's Haircut
Last year Pappy had "hot spots". Hot spots are rapidly spreading, very painful raw sores on the skin.

The vet suggested we might want to do a spring haircut toward the end of April to help prevent hot spots this year. Yesterday was the day.

I was concerned that the groomer would cut off too much. Instead, I think she may not have cut off enough.

He looks very different without his full coat. But still handsome.

Picture of Glory rolling on her back
Labs Just Want to Smell Gross
Glory, our big lab mix, also had a bath at the groomers yesterday. Now she is working on getting the proper scent back into her coat.

Rolling in the field is a good start, but she won't be happy until she goes next door and adds some odeur le cheval (horse manure) and takes a swim in a stagnant pond.

Mom's Socks Are Done
Yesterday I delivered Mom's handknit blue Opal Lollipop socks. She had them on her feet all posed for a picture when the batteries in my camera decided they were too tired to work anymore. Darn! No picture for now, but I do plan on getting one soon.

Blogger Idol Update
Darren at LivingRoom has decided to switch Blogger Idol to a biweekly schedule. This week is the second week for the Spirituality topic, which I'm skipping. He's asking for topics.

Any Blogger Idol Topic suggestions?