Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Blogger Idol, Week 13
Blogger Idol is the brainchild of Darren at LivingRoom.

Each Sunday (Australian time) Darren announces a theme for the week. We have three days to work that theme into a blog post. We post the entry in our own blog and leave a link in Darren's blog so we can read what each other wrote.

If you want to read the other entries, the links are here. blogger_idol-1.gif

I will read as many of the entries as possible. Later in the week I will list five entries of note.

This weeks theme is 'Blog Tips'.

Blogging is Free. Why Not Give it a Try?
As you can tell by looking Seasons of Violet is a very basic blog. I feel very inadequate to give blogging tips to bloggers. Instead I'm going to talk to those of you who don't have a blog.

Do you think you might like to have a blog? Not sure? Intrigued?

Give it a try! There is nothing to lose but a little time, and once you try it you may be surprised by the pleasure it adds to your life.

Here are the steps for a total novice to start a completely free blog. No charge. No hassle. No problem.

  1. Go to the library and check out Biz Stone's book Blogging. You don't need this book if you know some basic html, but it's a great reference for a beginner blogger and you may decide to buy your own copy. I did.

  2. Go to Blogger and sign up. It's easy and free. You'll have a basic blog in ten minutes or less.

  3. Your Blogger signup will include an opportunity to have your new blog hosted at Blog*Spot. Even if your ISP provides web space, go with Blog*Spot. It works together with Blogger to make a very user friendly duo.

  4. Go to Haloscan and register for free commenting. It's easier than you ever dreamed. Anyone who knows how to cut and paste can install comments in their Blogger Blog without a hassle.

  5. Decide how many times a week you want to post and set a goal for yourself. My goal is a minimum of three times a week.

  6. Write something. Instead of writing email to your friends about the interesting things going on in your life, write it to your blog. If you write it, readers will come.

  7. Once you are up and posting, hints for increasing your readership are here.

Anyone going to give it a try?