Sunday, December 19, 2004

Yuletide Traditions
Questions from Sunday Brunch.

"The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings." -George W. Bush

1) What is a Christmas tradition that your family did when you were a child that you loved the most?
Grandpa and Grandma would come to Michigan from Chicago. They usually brought plenty of "stuff" with them, but now many years later I just remember the excitement of seeing them arrive.

2) What is a Christmas tradition that you plan to instill in your own family or already have instilled from when you were a child?
I'm having a hard time thinking of a tradition that has been in the family that long.

What has endured through the years is the feeling of love we have in our family.

3) What is a new Christmas tradition that you have instilled in your family that is new to both you and your significant other?
My mother has Christmas Eve dinner and present opening at her house. This leaves Christmas day open for the younger generations to stay home or visit relatives on the SO side of the family.

When my inlaws were alive, we would see them on Christmas Day. Now we stay home and enjoy a relaxed day with our gifts from the previous evening. The gifts usually include new books and yummy things to eat.

4) Do you make any traditional holiday dishes?
Dare I mention the Green Dream again? Green Dream is made from lime jello, marshmallows, cream cheese, milk, Miracle Whip, Cool Whip, and crushed pineapple.

I've been making Green Dream for over thirty years and the family expects to see it, even the family members that don't like it.

5) Does your family open Christmas gifts Christmas morning, when the clock strikes twelve, or one gift the night before and the rest the next morning?
We open gifts on Christmas Eve at Mother/Grandma/Great-Grandma Monette's house.

When the kids were home, Santa would come in the night and there would be more gifts in the morning. It's been a while since Santa visited.

We're having turkey for Christmas Eve dinner.
What's for Christmas dinner at your house?