Saturday Sky and ChickadeesThe sky is solid with snow clouds. The hazy look of the picture is how the camera recorded the snow dumping down out of the Saturday sky.
The good news - it's warmer. 22 F/-6 C at noon.
The bad news - the snowplow decided to take our dirt road down to the surface yesterday and we have a heavy, ugly, icy pile of winter at the end of the driveway.
The resolution - shoveling.
How about some Chickadee pictures to cheer me up?The Black-capped Chickadees (Parus atricapillus) are cute, tiny little birds about five inches long from head to tail tip.
The Chickadee is the top bird. That's a White-breasted Nuthatch on the bottom.
At doggy school when this happens, we say, "No sniff!" But I don't think birds do that. The camera just caught them in an interesting position.The Chickadees sit in the nearby trees, pop into the feeder, grab a sunflower seed, and take it back to the tree to crack it and eat it.
They're friendly, demanding little birds, always eager to let us know when they're out of seed.Bob likes to put seed out on the brick sills. Most of the little birds, including the Chickadees, will fly in to grab one.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Posted by Marguerite at 2/17/2007 12:21:00 PM