New Year Babble with Sky
You may have noticed I didn't finish the alphabet on the ABC Along.
It was neglected without forethought. ABC Along was a great idea. I'm a little sorry I didn't finish, but not sorry enough to do anything about it.
I resolve not to sign up for any meme that requires self-discipline in 2007.I never did officially sign up for Saturday Sky, but I've enjoyed lugging the camera outdoors every Saturday, shooting upward, and coming in to review, edit, and post the results.
This sky was taken on Saturday. It's just the posting that's late.
I resolve to keep taking sky pictures on Saturday until it isn't fun anymore. And, if there are any great sky pictures on some other day of the week, I may take a few then, also.
A Few Other Resolutions
Last year I had a plan for knitting peace that required only two projects on the needles at one time. It didn't work. Two was not enough to allow for casting on spasms and projects that needed to be out of my sight for a while.
In 2007 I half-heartedly resolve to have no more than three unfinished knitting projects at one time.
Although I've converted to the new Blogger, I haven't played around with any of the enhancements yet.
I resolve that someday before spring, on a day that's not much good for anything else, I'm going to see what I can do to make this blog look different.
A resolution from 2006 that worked was to knit birthday socks for my loved ones who like my socks. So . . .
I resolve to knit birthday socks for my loved ones in 2007.
Another resolution from 2006 that worked well was to aim for five blog posts on Stitches of Violet a week. I'm repeating that one as well.
Here's wishing all of us a healthy, happy 2007.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Posted by Marguerite at 1/01/2007 08:36:00 PM