Saturday, January 20, 2007

Birthday Sky

Saturday Sky for January 20, 2007Cold and mostly sunny with occasion clouds and light snow.

According to my mother this is a "lovely sunny Saturday, as it was the day you were born."

It always amazes me when she says that.

I remember many things about the day I gave childbirth, but I have no idea about the weather except the roads were dry and we didn't have any problem getting to the hospital. Maybe I'd remember more if it hadn't happened in the middle of the night.

Another picture from last weeks minor ice stormWe still have some ice left over from last week's minor ice storm.

This is one of our dog walking paths on the back three acres. When the ice was at its heaviest, it was like walking through the inside of a diamond.

We Keep Getting Older and We Are Not AmusedToday I turn 62, the magic age for senior discounts at Meijer and possibly other places I shop. I'll pay closer attention now.

It's also the year I get to start collecting Social Security. I'm all set up and ready to receive, but the first payment won't happen until the third Wednesday in March.

That sounds like a long time away on this cold January day.

It's become an annual tradition to post this card on my birthday. It makes me laugh. Here's hoping it gives you a chuckle, too.

No big celebration plans. Bob and I both think it's a pleasure to stay home and hibernate in January. He fixed a yummy breakfast of eggs, bacon, and biscuits. We have steaks in the frig for dinner.

He downloaded and burned two new Janet Evanovich books for my listening pleasure while I knit sleeves. I'm content.