Summertime SkyWeather forecast is for a hot, humid, miserable week. Since we don't have air-conditioning, DH and I have gone into take it easy and sit in front of the fan mode.
So far - but it's only Monday morning - it's not as hot as was predicted. Living in the woods, we are cooler than those who live in asphalt land. There is even a nice 15 to 20 mph breeze to help evaporate the sweat.
The dogs are getting abbreviated walks in the hot, sunny field. Usually we walk the path three to five times around. For the past few hot days, we've been walking around once and then heading back to the house.
That little spot on the electric wire is a hummingbird. They look so cute when they perch up there just like the big birds.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Posted by Marguerite at 7/17/2006 12:55:00 PM