Sweet Potato TreatsA few weeks ago Carrie suggested I try some of the sweet potato dog treats available at Sit Stay.
I ordered a small pack of sweet potato rawhides for Glory and a small pack of the much smaller sweet potato fries for Sunny and Pappy.
To Bob's skeptical amazement, Glory thinks the rawhides are yummy. They're big enough so I can cut them in half and she still feels like she's getting a good sized treat. They're tough enough so a half rawhide takes her a while to chew and she enjoys the process.
The two little dogs differed, as usual, in their opinion.Sunny enjoyed her sweet potato fry.
Hey Mom, if I stick one ear up and look cute will you give me another one of those yummy things? Pappy rejected the sweet potato fry after one sniff.
Mom, surely that didn't count as a treat! Can I have something else please?
As Meatloaf would say, "Two out of three ain't bad."
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Posted by Marguerite at 6/28/2005 09:31:00 PM