Sunday, June 13, 2004

Happy Birthday!
Sunday Brunch is one year old this week!

Break out the party hats and pop the cork on that bottle of champagne. Let's celebrate!

1. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
Very low key. We usually go out to eat.

Last year I was seriously dieting, so we got take out and brought it home. For me it's easier to stop eating when I'm eating at home.

I know that doesn't sound like much of a celebration. We're just not very big on celebrating birthdays.
2. Do you ever lie about your age?
No. In fact, I enjoy telling people how old I am because everytime it comes out of my mouth the number surprises me. How in the world did I get to be this old?
3. What is your favorite flavor(s) of cake and ice cream?
There's a wonderful little low fat chocolate cake in the T-Factor Diet book. Because it's low in sugar, the chocolate flavor is seriously rich. I like any good chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream.

When I'm not eating the ice cream with cake, Bubblegum is my favorite ice cream flavor.
4. Have you ever completely forgotten the birthday of a family member or friend?
This happened a lot when I was younger. Now I'm pretty disciplined about it. The last family birthday I forgot was daughter-in-law Anne. Her birthday is early January and it seems like by the time I catch my breath after the holidays, I'm late for her birthday. Sorry Anne. I think I've mastered it now.
5. What was the most memorable birthday party you've attended?
Two years ago Mom had a lovely family birthday party at the Black Swan hosted by my brother Dave. Aside from the wonderful food, it was memorable because all of my siblings were there together, something that rarely happens.

And, someone remembered to take pictures. I treasure them and now intend to share.

My mom and my brother. Mom and Dave

Brother Dave is a world famous trumpet maker. Dave's website tells the story.

Since he travels all over the world as part of his profession, he was able to pull off hosting this dinner in a style I can't imagine I would have been able to duplicate if it had been left to me.

My Mom and my female siblingsMom and The Sisters

First, I just have to say that Mom's mouth does NOT look like this. Check out the picture above and the picture below for the way Mom really looks. Sometimes the camera just catches us at a weird moment. Maybe she was in the middle of saying something?

That's Mom in the back row next to me. Since this was taken two summers ago, this was before I lost 40 pounds. I sure didn't lose any weight at this dinner.

In the front row is Sister Carrie on the left and Sister Doris on the right.

Carrie teaches piano in North Carolina and is well know on Seasons of Violet for all the amusing comments she leaves on my posts. She is my most faithful commenter and I love her for it.

I was an only child for almost five years before Doris was born - but I love her anyway. She is a very talented business person. Everytime I try to describe what she does, I get corrected. So here is her company's website.

Mom is an artist. That's one of her paintings in the background.

The four generations of LouisesThe Four Louises

Here is Mom with a real Mom smile. This time it's little Kimmy who was caught with a strange look on her face.

The four generations pictured here all share the middle name Louise.

That's me, Marguerite Louise, peeking over Mom's shoulder. The beautiful woman on my left is my daughter Heather Louise, mother of Kimberly Louise, and granddaughter of the elder Marguerite Louise known as Mom and sometimes Monette.

The four generations of LouisesThe Husbands

My DH (Dear Husband) Bob is on the left and Doris's DH John is on the right. It just didn't feel right not to include them in this photo album.
Mom has another birthday on Friday. Sister Doris and Husband John will be here from Virginia to help celebrate. I'm looking forward to a partial family get together and celebration.