Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Cancelled Field Trip
Tonight was the evening of the three hour Kalamazoo Nature Center field trip at Bishop's Bog. I was both looking forward to it and dreading it.

I was looking forward to it because we were going to be taught by Emma Pitcher, a local naturalist celebrity, author, and presenter. She's very knowledgeable and I was expecting a fascinating three hours of instruction.

I was dreading it because of the same reasons it got cancelled.

  • The bog is under a foot of water because of all the recent rain.
  • It is very hot and muggy today. To go outside results in sweat, even if you don't exert yourself.
  • There are severe storm warnings for this evening and tonight.
When the Nature Center called to tell me the field trip was cancelled, they also mentioned that Emma is 88 years old.

I understand why Emma didn't want to spend three hours walking around in a steamy flooded bog. I'm almost thirty years her junior and I didn't want to do it today, either. But I wasn't going to be the first one to back out.

Shrek II
If you're going to go see Shrek II, be sure and stay for a very special ending after the credits are done.

When Kimmy and I went last Saturday, we were the only ones still in the theatre when the credits were done - except for the cleaning crew who were wishing we would get out of the way. Kimmy was nervously trying to get me to leave. She didn't believe there was more to see. After all, what does Grandma know?

As she approaches that wonderful age when young people know everything I'm sure to know less and less. Something to look forward to.

Campanula Poscharskyana
Campanula Poscharskyana

I love the bright blue flowers on this Campanula. It likes living at Violet Acres and it's multiplied so we have pockets of it here and there all over the property.

It's a ground hugging, trailing plant which solves the flopping problem I've had with the erect Campanulas.

One of my favorite perennials.

Missing Bloggers
Two of my favorite bloggers have stopped updating their blogs. Kelee, Knitting Princess Warrior and Leslie the Sockotic have both left blogging for other - hopefully good - things that are going on in their lives.

I have reluctantly removed their links from my sidebar.

I wish them well with whatever they're doing. I'll check in once in a while to see if they've started posting again.