Friday, December 26, 2003

Friday Five About the New Year
What day is this? It's Friday! And here are the Friday Five.

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?

My biggest physical accomplishment was losing thirty pounds. It took the entire year and required major life changes.

My biggest emotional accomplishment was working through the stages of change at work. With the Pfizer acquisition of Pharmacia, everything I've accomplished at work has now been decommissioned. Many of the employees have been severed, and most of the remaining employees are being severed in 2004. They have started to take down cubicles in my office building and in my section. I have reached the stage of acceptance and am looking forward to my life after work. December 30 is my last working day. January 9 is my last official day when I go meet with HR and turn in my badge and my parking sticker.

2. What was your biggest disappointment?

My biggest disappointment was in someone I loved and considered part of my family. It's not my story to tell so I haven't written about it and won't write about it other than to say it has been painful.

3. What do you hope the new year brings?

I hope health and happiness for all those that I love. If that happens, I will also be happy.

A new life! After working for twenty-four years, I'm going to be unemployed in 2004 with a generous severance check to pay the bills. It's going to be very different and I expect to be writing about the transition in Seasons of Violet as I work my way through it.

4. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? If yes, what will they be?

I have many ongoing personal goals for myself that aren't related to the New Year. One goal that is related to the New Year is to get back on my Flylady routines. Flylady provides structure and encouragement for those of us who are housework challenged and clutter bound.

5. What are your plans for New Year's Eve?

If the roads aren't bad, Mother and I are going out to lunch. We haven't chosen a place to go yet, but I'm thinking Olive Garden or Mr. Cody's Chinese Buffet, depending on how much we want to blow our diet for the occasion.

Once it gets dark, DH Bob and I will spend a quiet evening at home doing our usual favorite leisure pastimes: knitting, reading, going online, and enjoying our dogs.

What are your dreams for the New Year?