Trying To SmileI feel cranky and unhappy. Why? I don't have a good reason.
There are plans that aren't working out, the price of gas is way too high, summer is over, I don't feel as well as I would like, and the world isn't perfect. But that's life, and I don't normally react to it by getting cranky and unhappy.
At least I know it's a temporary mood without a cause. I can zip my lips and wait for it to pass.
With three dogs needing attention and walks, there's no going to bed and pulling the covers over my head. It's too hot to do that, anyway. We've been having daytime temps in the 90s, but it cools down beautifully at night.
Have you figured out yet I have no knitting to write about?
I've been working on the corner of the spare bedroom that holds my stash in bins. So much more there than I remembered. So unorganized. It didn't get done today, but hopefully tomorrow will see the finish of the sorting. There will be several large boxes going out to Restash Network coordinators.
The coordinators of the Restash Network are taking yarn and needles directly to the shelters and giving it to knitters who want it and will use it. Several are making up kits with yarn, pattern, and needles. What a great way to cull my stash without guilt while doing something for evacuee knitters.
The thought of making someone else happy makes sorting out piles of unorganized yarn almost enjoyable.
Now I need to plaster a smile on my face and take Sunny to doggy school.
Good girl Marguerite!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Posted by Marguerite at 9/12/2005 06:20:00 PM